
Sweet Palmiers

Sweet Palmiers

These sweet, airy, crisp pastries are easily assembled with little fuss in your kitchen.  Sweet Palmiers are the perfect accompaniment to a morning or afternoon cup of tea or coffee, and keep for about a week in a air-tight container.  Be sure to bake them until they are a deep, golden brown; under-baking causes them to be soft and limp, not at all what we want in this yummy bit of sweetness.

Equipment needed:  Half sheet pans     Chef's Knife    Bench Scraper     

  Rolling Pin  Silicone baking mats      Cutting Board       Spatula

1 sheet of frozen Puff Pastry, defrosted in the refrigerator until completely thawed.

1/2 cup of white sugar

2 teaspoons orange zest

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400-degrees F.

Combine the sugar, zest, and cinnamon in a small bowl and stir until well combined.

Unfold the pastry on a large cutting board or counter top.  Using the pastry as a guide, spread half of the sugar mixture on the counter or board, approximating the size of the sheet of pastry.  Lay the puff pastry on top of the sugar mixture.  Sprinkle the remaining sugar mixture over the top of the pastry evenly.  Using a rolling pin, roll al over the pastry to evenly press the sugar into the pastry, and also even out and thin the pastry just a bit.

Fold the short ends of the pastry over to the center of the pastry sheet.  Scrape up any loose sugar with a bench scraper and sprinkle it over the top of the partially-folded pastry.  Repeat the fold again from the short end of the pastry.  Now fold the two halves onto each other.  Press together well and refrigerate for about 20 minutes.  (See video for demonstration of how to fold the pastry!)

Line 2-3 sheet pans with silicone baking mats.

Remove the pastry from the refrigerator and, using a very sharp knife, slice into 1/4-inch slices and place on the prepared baking sheets, at least an inch apart.

Bake in preheated oven for 12 minutes, then remove the pan from the oven and flip the pastries over.  (The sugar will be extremely hot, take care not to touch it.)  Continue baking an additional 6-8 minutes, or until a deep golden brown.  (Check frequently, as ovens vary!  Use your eyes and nose!)

Cool completely on a cooling rack before serving.  Store in an airtight container.